圣诞老人的由来和圣诞老人的故事(英文The origin of Santa and the story of Santa)

圣诞老人(英文Santa Claus)是西方神话传说中的人物,在传说中西方圣诞节前夜时悄悄赠送礼物给小孩子,是耶稣基督诞辰瞻礼即西方圣诞节的代表角色之一。他普遍被认为是基督教的圣人圣·尼古拉斯(Saint Nicholas)的衍生形象,圣诞老人的由来或与一种被称为毒蝇伞的红白相间蘑菇有关、圣诞老人的故事在西方也广为流传。Santa Claus is a character in Western myths and legends. He quietly gave gifts to children during Christmas Eve in the legend. It is one of the representative roles of Western Christmas in the ceremony of Jesus Christ ’s birthday. He is generally considered to be a derivative of the Christian sage Saint Nicholas. The origin of Santa Claus is related to a red and white mushroom called a poisonous fly umbrella.


圣诞老人的由来 The origin of Santa
荷兰殖民者来到美洲时,将他们的Sintirklass主教也带了去,Sintirklass身着红袈裟,骑着一匹白马。Sintirklass的美国形象后来逐渐演变成一个快乐的老精灵。起初美国作家华盛顿.欧文在他的喜剧《纽约的历史》中将他描述成一个又圆又胖的荷兰老人。1823年,诗人Clement Moore在他的诗歌《St.Nicholas印象》中继续将Sintirklass/Saint Nicholas的形象戏剧化。
19世纪60年代卡通制作者Thomas Nash画了一幅胖胖的、慈祥的圣诞老人作为《Harper的一周》的插图。这个圣诞老人的形象开始深深地扎根于美国人民的脑海中。随着时间的推移,圣诞老人的形象传回欧洲,传到南美洲,传遍世界各地。
At the end of the 11th century, religious soldiers from Italy brought the relics of Nicholas Saint Nicholas from Asia to Italy, and built a church to commemorate him in the port city of Bari Bari. Soon Christians from all over the world came to visit the saint. The pilgrims brought the story of Saint Nicholas back to their native land, so the legend of Santa Claus has its own characteristics in different countries.
In the 12th century, there was Nicholas Day in Europe, which was dominated by gifts and charity activities.
When the Dutch colonists came to America, they also took their bishop sintirklass, who was wearing red cassock and riding a white horse. The American image of sinterklass gradually evolved into a happy old elf. At first, American writer Washington Irving described him as a round and fat Dutch old man in his comedy the history of New York. In 1823, poet Clement Moore continued to dramatize the image of sinterklass / Saint Nicholas in his poem impression of St. Nicholas.
Thomas Nash, a cartoonist in the 1860s, painted a fat, kind Santa as an illustration of Harper’s week. The image of Santa Claus began to take root in the minds of the American people. Over time, the image of Santa Claus has spread back to Europe, South America and all over the world. It is said that every night on December 24, a mysterious man would fly in a sleigh pulled by nine reindeer, enter the house from the chimney door-to-door, and then secretly put the gifts in the socks of a good child’s bed, or pile them under the Christmas tree beside the fireplace. He spent the rest of the year making gifts and supervising children’s behavior.
Although no one has ever seen the mysterious man, people will dress up as him to give gifts to children. He is usually described as an old man with a red hat, a big white beard, a red cotton padded coat, red boots on his feet, and a big bag containing gifts. Because he always presents presents on Christmas Eve, he is often called “Santa Claus”.


圣诞老人的传说 The legend of Santa Claus
Santa Claus is a simultaneous interpreting of different legends and mysterious human beings. It is said that Santa Claus appeared thousands of years ago in Scandinavia. In Nordic mythology, Odin, a god of wisdom, art, poetry, and war, rides his eight legged horse to ride around the world in winter, punishing evil and promoting good, and distributing gifts. At the same time, his son, Leishen, dressed in red, took lightning as a weapon to fight against the ice and snow gods, and finally defeated the cold. According to pagan legend, Santa Claus is descended from the god Odin. In the central and northern regions of Germany, Nicholas is known as “Santa Claus”, in Britain as “Father Christmas”, and later as “Santa Claus” by Dutch immigrants in the United States.
According to Dutch legend, sinterklass, Santa Claus, also took an assistant named Black Peter and arrived in a boat. He had a big book with him that described the performance of all Dutch children over the past year. The children with good performance will give them gifts, and the children with bad performance will let his assistant (elk) take them away.
The children want to know where Santa lives and when they will receive presents. The answer is usually that Santa lives in the north pole and his workshop produces Christmas gifts. In 1927, Markus raudio, who was called “Uncle Markus” by children, first revealed that Santa Claus lived in Korvatunturi in Lapland.
Korvatunturi, on the eastern border of Finland, has found a rabbit like ear, in fact Santa’s ear, which is used to listen to children’s wishes. Scandinavian legends tell the story of Santa and his assistant elves.
At the end of the last century, different legends about Santa Claus in the northern hemisphere were put together in the same version: the white bearded man gave gifts to children, and then returned to kornatunturi in Lapland, Finland.
Since 1950, Santa Claus has been happily staying in napapiiri, communicating with children and young people in addition to Christmas. More and more people visit Santa regularly. In 1985, he established his own studio. Every day, Santa comes to the office to listen to the children’s Christmas wishes and communicate with them. Santa Claus Village is Santa’s main post office. It receives letters from children all over the world.


主教圣·尼古拉的圣诞老人传说 The legend of Santa Claus of bishop Saint Nicholas
The legend of Santa Claus comes from the Western folklore. According to legend, Santa Claus is called Saint Nicholas. He lived in the city of Myra in Asia Minor in the 4th century A.D. (in today’s Turkey). He is a kind, generous and very good rich man for children. The orthodox respect Nikolay as a miracle maker. Nikolay’s family was very rich and his parents were Christians. Nikolay’s parents died early. He donated all his property to the poor, joined the church and served the society for life. Later, Nicholas became a priest and was promoted to the bishop. After his death, people called him a saint. He was a white bearded old man in a red robe and a red hat. Nicholas has done a lot of charities in his life. He always likes to help the poor people in secret. Gradually, Santa Claus has become a nickname for him.


圣诞老人的故事 The story of Santa Claus
Once upon a time there was a kind-hearted nobleman whose wife died of illness, leaving him and his three daughters behind. The aristocrat tried many inventions and failed, but also ran out of money, so they had to move to a farmhouse, and his daughters had to cook, sew and clean themselves. A few years later, the daughters gradually reached the age of marriage, but the father became more depressed because he had no money to buy dowries for his daughters.
One night, after washing, the girls hung their stockings in front of the fireplace to dry. When Saint Nicholas learned about their father’s situation, he came to their house that night. He saw from the window that the whole family had fallen asleep and noticed the girls’ stockings. Then he took out three packets of gold from his pocket and dropped them one by one from the chimney, just in the girls’ stockings.
The next morning, the girls woke up to find that their stockings were full of gold, enough for their dowry. The aristocrat was able to see his daughters get married and live a happy life.
Later, children all over the world inherited the tradition of hanging Christmas socks. In some countries, children have other similar customs, such as in France, children put their shoes beside the fireplace and so on.



