214日爱要誓,情人节里爱表示,诚心诚意疼爱你,满心满意接纳你,真心真意关心你,尽心尽意照顾你,实心实意体贴你,一心一意保护你。二月十四情人节,全心全意深爱你,生活美又爱情甜,生生世世不分离!On Valentine’s Day, love means loving you sincerely, accepting you satisfactorily, caring for you sincerely, caring for you wholeheartedly, caring for you wholeheartedly, protecting you wholeheartedly. February 14 Valentine’s Day, love you with all my heart, life is beautiful and love is sweet, life and life are inseparable!
Wish You a Happy Valentine’s Day!
How lucky I am to work with you! Happy valentine’s day.
You are a dream to work with. Happy Valentine’s Day.
And I just wanted to make sure someone wished you a happy valentine’s day.
Wish my dearest husband, Happy valentine’s day.
Do I hear the distant sound of wedding bells? Happy Valentine’s Day.
Last, I wish lovers become family dependants! Also wish you all have a happy valentine’s day!
A happy Valentines Day to you!
Happy Valentine’s Day to my best love!
To my good friend who has always helped me when I needed it; Happy Valentine’s Day.
Experiences this all sorts of dangers, only said for and you: The friend, the valentine day is joyful!
Happy festival of lanterns ( Yuan Xiao) and Happy Eastern Valentine.
I want to turn a chocolate, is contained gently by you in the mouth, lets you feel fragrant slides The valentine day is joyful!
May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!
“Happy valentine’s day, Princess laurel! You found your secret valentine, and here’s your Valentine surprise!” lou said and threw open the door.
Many foods in our kitchen can be formed into hearts so go ahead and experiment, have fun and* a Happy Valentines Day to all!
Hope you lucky and happy on the Double Seventh Festival, the Valentine’s Day Of China, my dear friends!
The card had a photograph of tulips on the outside, and on the inside my mother had printed “Happy Valentines Day”. Beneath it, scrawled in barely legible handwriting, was “love, Dad”.
I’m going bananas over the noise in the apartment next door. My perfect match! Happy Valentine’s Day.
My perfect match! Happy Valentine’s Day. John preferred to go into business alone rather than to team up with anyone else.
The card had a photograph of tulips on the outside, and on the inside my mother had printed “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Wish all the lovers a happy Chinese Valentine’s Day!
For the more active Valentine’s Day date, ice skating or roller skating is a great way to have a youthful time on a date and keep the theme of the whole night young and fun-loving.
24、 玫瑰的芬芳,弥漫着浪漫的气息,巧克力的滋味,抒发着浓浓的情意,柔情蜜语的甜蜜,传达着爱意浓稠,漫漫人生路,愿与你携手白头,皎洁的月光,清澈着我们的爱恋,有你生命从此绚烂无比,情人节到了,亲爱的,爱你永恒不渝。
The fragrance of roses is full of romance, the taste of chocolate, expressing strong feelings, the sweetness of tender words, conveying strong love, the long way of life, willing to join hands with you, white-headed, bright moonlight, clear our love, have your life from then on brilliant, Valentine’s Day arrived, dear, love you forever.
25、 飞花绚烂了真个春天,尽情妩媚她的娇颜;真爱精彩了我的人生,激发了我活力热情无限。情人节来了,一万个爱你说不够对你的眷恋,情人节快乐。
Flowers have flowered all spring, charming her charming face with all their hearts. True love has made my life brilliant and inspired me with infinite vitality and enthusiasm. Valentine’s Day is coming, 10,000 love you say is not enough for your attachment, happy Valentine’s Day.
26、 朝思暮想,难解心中百般思念;耳鬓厮磨,方是人生快乐时光;情意绵绵,玫瑰难达深深爱恋;情根深重,无药可解相思之苦。情人节,美好的日子,美丽的心愿,深深的依恋,愿陪你到永远!
It is hard to understand all kinds of thoughts in your heart when you miss each other day and night; only when you have a good time in your life when you have to grind your ears and temples together; when you have a long feeling, it is difficult for a rose to fall in love deeply; when you have a deep feeling, there is no remedy for the bitterness of missing each other. Valentine’s Day, a beautiful day, a beautiful wish, deep attachment, willing to accompany you forever!
27、 为你心碎,每一片也是晶莹剔透的那么美;为你痴醉,每一秒都是心灵在体验美味;为你执着,每一点进步都是汗水把成功包围。情人节快乐。
For your heartbreak, every piece is as beautiful as crystal clear; for your intoxication, every second is the soul experience delicious; for your persistence, every progress is sweat to surround success. Happy Valentine’s Day.
28、 有情的日子里你是眼前烂漫的花朵,有爱的日子你是耳边灵动的乐音,有风的日子你是心头绽放的笑靥,有你的日子天天都是情人节。亲爱的,情人节快乐,那是你我相爱的印迹。
On a lovely day, you are the flowers in front of you. On a loving day, you are the music in your ears. On a windy day, you are the laughter in your heart. Every day is Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear. That’s the mark of love between you and me.
29、 你的眼眸闪亮满天的星星,你的微笑灿烂每一个黎明,你的气息温柔门口的杨柳,你的臂弯停泊唯一的深情缱倦。爱你,情人节快乐。(摘自春暖花开51214.com)
Your eyes are sparkling with stars, your smiles are brilliant at every dawn, your breath is gentle at the door of the willow, and your arms are bent and moored with only deep feeling. Love you, happy Valentine’s Day.
30、 你的笑容迷住了我的眼睛,你的体贴温暖了我的身心,你的情绪影响着我的世界,你的陪伴幸福了我的一生。情人节到了,我想送上一句轻轻的话语:亲爱的,我爱你,我愿用一辈子来照顾你。情人节快乐!
Your smile captivated my eyes, your thoughtfulness warmed my body and mind, your emotions affected my world, your company happy my life. When Valentine’s Day arrives, I want to send a gentle message: I love you, dear, I would like to take care of you for a lifetime. Happy Valentine’s Day!
31、 玫瑰绽放,为你收藏最美丽的那朵;巧克力浓,为人留住最可口的那块;星光满天,为你抓住最闪亮的那颗;爱你一生,为你留下最幸福的瞬间。亲爱的,情人节快乐,爱你!
Roses blossom and collect the most beautiful one for you; chocolate is thick and keeps the most delicious one for you; stars are shining all over the sky, seize the brightest one for you; love you all your life, leave the happiest moment for you. Honey, happy Valentine’s Day, love you!
32、 暖在心里的,不是蜜语不是甜言,是你不离不弃的陪伴;甜在心里的,不是玫瑰不是砰然,是你理解信任的每一天。谢谢你的宠爱你的包容,谢谢老天让我在最美好的年华里遇见了你。爱你,永远,情人节快乐。
Warm in the heart, not honeyed words, not sweet words, is your constant companionship; sweet in the heart, not roses, not bang Ran, is every day you understand and trust. Thank you for your love and tolerance. Thank God for letting me meet you in the best years. Love you, always, happy Valentine’s Day.
33、 笔尖划过的流年,回放你我点点滴滴的爱恋,任时光荏苒,一颗爱你的心不变;风雨参半的那些天,是你不离不弃的陪伴,我向星星许过愿,为你打拼美好的明天。每一天,我都会用尽生命去爱你。情人节快乐,最爱你的人。
The years passed by the tip of the pen, playback you and I bit by bit of love, as time flies, a heart that loves you remains unchanged; those days of mixed winds and rains are your constant companionship, I made a wish to the stars to fight for a better tomorrow for you. Every day, I will use my life to love you. Happy Valentine’s Day, the person who loves you most.
34、 曾经年少倒乾坤,混迹江湖混成人。丰功伟业福人群,风花雪月俏佳人。不敢有爱苦尝尽,高处只余某一人。看尽红尘携谁隐,一生一世两个人。情人节的祝福,爱你一生一世!
When I was young, I was mixed up into adults. The crowd is full of achievements and great achievements, and beautiful people are full of wind, snow and moon. Dare not have love to taste, only one person is high. See who the world carries, two people in a lifetime. Valentine’s Day wishes, love you all your life!
35、 习惯了你的微笑,熟悉了你的味道,走过了人生风雨,从青春到容颜苍老,爱你已成习惯,今生再难改变,牵手那一刻起,注定相守永远,回忆往昔浪漫,珍惜今日陪伴,互相鼓励扶助,走出美好明天。情人节,今生有你,再无所求!
Habit to your smile, familiar with your taste, through the storms of life, from youth to old face, love you has become a habit, this life is no longer difficult to change, hand in hand from the moment, destined to stay forever, recall the past romantic, cherish today’s companionship, mutual encouragement and help, out of a better tomorrow. Valentine’s Day, this life has you, no more!
36、 时光匆匆,随着岁月流淌。亲爱的,我们之间的理解越来越多,矛盾越来越少;我们的感情越来越深,争吵越来越少。我对你的爱,不会随时间流逝,只会每天爱你多一点。在这个充满爱情的日子,与我一同沉浸在洋溢的幸福当中吧!
Time is in a hurry, with the passage of time. Dear, we understand more and more, and there are fewer and fewer contradictions; our feelings are deeper and fewer and fewer quarrels. My love for you will not pass with time, but will love you a little more every day. In this day full of love, immerse in the overflowing happiness with me!
37、 双手捧上玫瑰,将浪漫演译到淋漓尽致;亲手送上巧克力,将甜蜜升华到酣畅淋漓;情人节到了,为我生命中的主角送去祝福,愿你情人节快乐,我爱你到永远!
Hold roses in your hands and translate romance into the most vivid; Send chocolates with your own hands, and sublimate sweetness to the fullest; When Valentine’s Day comes, send wishes to the protagonists in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, and I love you forever!
38、 遇见你的那一天,,才知道什么是心动;想念你的不眠夜,才知道什么是情动;牵你手的一瞬间,才知道什么是激动;拥你在怀的那一刻,才知道满心的爱意涌动。情人节,爱你说不够,恋你到永久!
On the day you meet, you will know what is heartbeat; only when you miss your sleepless night, you will know what is emotion; when you hold hands, you will know what is excitement; when you hold hands, you will know the surge of love. Valentine’s Day, love you say not enough, love you forever!
39、 关爱,是心灵的钥匙,牵动着彼此的心扉,思念,是芬香四溢的玫瑰,散发着淡淡情意,牵挂,像动情的旋律,扣动心弦,爱你,是我永恒的主题,亘古不变。亲爱的,情人节快乐,
Care is the key to the soul. It touches each other’s hearts and misses each other. It is a fragrant rose. It emits light feelings and concerns, like a moving melody, touching the heartstrings and loving you. It is my eternal theme, unchanged from time to time. Happy Valentine’s Day, dear.
40、 你多情的眼眸,让我的目光定格;你迷人的微笑,紧扣我的心弦;你温柔的气息,温暖了严寒的冬季;你的轻声细语,是一种魔力让我着迷;情人节,爱你到永远,此情永不变。
Your affectionate eyes set my eyes; your charming smile, clinging to my heart; your gentle breath, warming the cold winter; your whisper, is a magic that fascinates me; Valentine’s Day, love you forever, this situation will never change.
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